Guyana Medical Mission’s annual outreach commences in Berbice
More than a dozen healthcare professionals attached to the Caribbean Medical Mission (CMM) arrived in Guyana on November 3, to conduct a week of medical outreaches.
The programme, which commenced on Sunday, was hosted at the Fyrish Village Health Centre on the Corentyne and saw more than 200 persons from Fyrish and surrounding communities being treated for diabetes, kidney disease, and arthritis. Persons also received blood pressure, cholesterol, and eye testing. The team also provided three months’ worth of free medications for their patients.

Members of the public waiting to be attended to at the medical outreach
The group of 30 health professionals from the Guyana Medical Mission in conjunction with the CMM comprises 17 doctors and 13 professional nurses.
According to the Head of the Guyana Medical Mission, Dr James Cort, although the group was established in 2005, they began work in early 2007 and has since been visiting Guyana twice a year to conduct medical outreaches.
The Mission’s spokesperson, Sharon London, who is also a nurse attached to the Medical Mission, disclosed that this year’s outreach is expected to provide services to six communities in Guyana. They will be visiting Liverpool on the Corentyne, Belladrum on the West Coast of Berbice and Mahaica, Buxton, and Enmore on the East Coast of Demerara.
Last year, the Medical Mission attended to approximately 3500 patients and previously, conducted 800 successful surgeries.